Internet and history: The Ministry of Defence of Russia first presented unique documents of the first days of the Great Patirotic War at its website

8 April 2015

Internet portal of the Ministry of Defence of Russia for a general audience opened a new documentary exhibition "The first day of the war", the exhibition which contains a collection of historical documents from the Central Archives of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, dedicated to the events of the first days of the great conflict.

Undoubtedly, the interest of Internet users will cause the publication of the manuscript copy of the Order of People's Commissar of Defense №2 from 22.06.1941, at which for the results of the first meeting with top military, political and public figures was defined procedure for urgent steps to repel the treacherous aggression.

The collection of documetns also contains combat reports and intelligence reports of the first day of the war of all special military districts of the Soviet Union. Their content suggests that despite the surprise attack, and the garrison of the Red Army could be mobilized as soon as possible and give a fitting rebuff to the enemy.

On stubborn resistance and courage of the Red Army commanders tell reports of German units. The originals of these documents and their translations are placed in the category "Captured documents".

The exposition of electronic exhibition contains more than 100 historical documents, most of which are in the closed funds and were previously available only to employees of the archive and military experts.

The opening at the website the Ministry of Defence of Russia of the e-exhibition "The first day of the war" is a continuation of the military department, aimed at the preservation and protection of historical truth, opposition to falsification of history and attempts to revise the results of the Great Patriotic and Second World Wars.

Currently, the Ministry of Defence of Russia continues to identify and declassification of historical documents for the next e-exhibition on the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Also, under the heading "Allied forces" odf the section "Victorious May" the Ministry of Defence plans to soon place unique documents from the archive TsAMO and the Military Historical Institute, which will talk about the content and some little-known facts in the actions of the allies of the USSR anti-Hitler coalition and documentary evidence on the preparation and the circumstances of the historic meeting Allied forces on the Elbe River on April 25, 1945.