The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: The International Conference, dedicated to national literature and multicultural dialogue, in Yekaterinburg

8 April 2015

The Sverdlovsk Regional International Library supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk region, and together with the Round Table "Library Services to Multicultural Populations" of the Russian Library Association holds in Yekaterinburg on 8-9 April 2015 an International scientific-practical conference "Harmonization of interethnic relations and the development of national cultures, through the national literature to multicultural dialogue".

Purposes of the conference:

1) the creation of the objective picture of the state of modern national literature; identification of problems of preservation and development literatures of the peoples of Russia; collection and collation of experience libraries to promote national literature;

2) improving the efficiency of library services in matters of multicultural population, preservation and support of cultural and linguistic diversity.

At the conference will be discussed the following issues:

1) Literature of the peoples of Russia and the domestic literature in the context of modern multicultural environment.

2) Specificity of reading national literature: readership and demand, languages and genres.

3) The role and contribution of the translation of national literatures in the development of intercultural communication.

4) The role of reading national literature in the formation of an attitude of tolerance and intercultural dialogue.

5) Dialogue of national literatures – dialogue of cultures.

6) Actual issues and methods of promotion of reading of national literature thrpugh the system of library work.