Peoples of Russia: The exhibition “Living archaic of the North” in Tyumen
The I. Y. Slovtsov Museum Complex (Tyumen) from April 3, 2015 features the exhibition “Living archaic of the North” from the collection “Traditional and Fine Arts of Indigenous Peoples of the North” (Khanty, Mansi, Nenets) at the Museum of Fine Arts.
The exhibition presents a set of original works of fine style of ancient peoples (mainly Ob-Ugric peoples), preserving their culture to the present day: the myths and legends, a unique ornament for various materials (fur, cloth, metal, elm and others), a rare collection of traditional toys, attributes “Bear Games”, a ritual sculpture, hunting equipment and more. People and nature are reflected in North sculptural works by Gennady Hartaganov, Victor Yadne, the space of Siberia - in the paintings of iconic and brilliant artists like Konstantin Pankov, who is considered the founder of the "northern Fine Arts", and our contemporary Gennady Raishev.