Memory of Russia: The presentation of new military-historical routes presented at the conference in Moscow

6 April 2015

April 6, 2015 in Moscow was opened an exit conference on military-patriotic tourism of the Ministry of Culture of Russia "Routes of Victory".

As part of the conference will take place the presentation of new military and historical tourist routes "Volgograd - city of heroes" (the Volgograd region) and "Far Frontiers" (Khabarovsk - Vladivostok), patriotic actions "I remember! I'm proud!" and "Obelisk". The sections "Interdepartmental and inter-regional cooperation in the creation of youth tourism routes" and "The role of tourist information centers in the formation of a positive image and promoting youth tourist routes" are running. 

To the 70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War the Ministry of Culture has developed eight military-patriotic routes, which this year will go to more than 25,000 students from 85 Russian Federation. School children visited the city-heroes, City of Military Glory, will travel to the places of battles: "Hero City of Leningrad - Road of Life - Nevsky Spot" (St. Petersburg – the Leningrad region), "Moscow with us!" (Moscow - Kaluga - Tula), "The Battle of Stalingrad" (the Volgograd region), "Kursk" (route Kursk and the Belgorod region), "Far Eastern Frontiers" (Khabarovsk - Vladivostok), "Guerrilla paths" (Eagle - Bryansk - Smolensk), "Heroic Sevastopol" and "Kerch - Hero City".