Information technology and culture: Traveling exhibition project “3D-Art” in Khabarovsk

5 April 2015

In April, in the Far Eastern Art Museum is launched a mobile exhibition project "3D-art". From 5 April to 14 May 2015 in the Museum audience will be presented the canvas by modern 3D-style images.

The Art of "hyper-realism" is known since the days of the Renaissance, when artists discovered such funds picturesque expression that made the viewer believe in true reality depicted world created by imagination of the artist. Perspective effects and cut-off modeling, acting through the eyes of perception, help the viewer to feel the full image.

Nowadays, due to the development of computer technology and digital graphics artists are constantly on the lookout for alternative aesthetics, photorealistic art. The impression is magnified with realism, material, three-dimensional images. 3D-art today opens up new horizons for creativity, but also opens the doors huge creative potential.

The exhibition, which opens in the Far Eastern Art Museum, at the moment, is a project while only acquainting visitors with the possibilities of 3D-effects to create visual images.