Museums of Russia: The exhibition dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the State Museum of Palekh Art in the Ivanovo region

4 April 2015

April 2, 2015 in the exposition and exhibition centre of the State Museum of Palekh Art (the Ivanovo region) was opened the exhibition "Palekh and its art surrounding". The exhibition is dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the State Museum of Palekh Art.

In many ways, the exhibition's title and its contents correspond to the concept of the first anniversary exhibition. March 13, 1935 during the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the Artel of ancient painting in Palekh was opened State Museum of Palekh Art.

The main exposition of the jubilee exhibition is housed in the building of Safonov, it amounted icons, I. M. Bakanov’s works, materials about life painters. The basis of the opening day in 1995 was the product of lacquer miniature. As a gift to the museum was transferred about 80 works of Palekh masters, porcelain plates, sculptural portrait NM Zinoviev, which initiated the portrait gallery Palekh masters. Local artists donated to the museum their drawings, sketches for theatrical productions.

On the other exhibition venues are exhibited paintings of Western European and Russian masters. A separate exhibition presents the work of M. A. Markichev.

Total the first museum exhibition includes about five hundred works. Today, the museum has a collection of Russian and world art, the works of related industries, including the work of local embroidery, sculpture collection, a unique book fund.