The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

3 April 2015

The Presidential Library collection has been enriched with materials from the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University and the Far Eastern State Scientific Library, telling about the individual pages of the history of Siberia and the Far East.


The manual of V. A. Zverev Regional conditions of reproduction of peasant generations in Siberia (1861- 1917) (Novosibirsk, 1998) gives a quantitative content analysis and objective factors, both physical and socio-cultural renewal of Russian rural population of Siberia second half of the XIX – early XX centuries. It is depicted the influence of natural and geographic, social and environmental information on demographic, educational and training behavior of peasants in the early days of the transition from traditional to modern lifestyle.  

The book of O. N. Kationov The Moscow-Siberian highway and its inhabitants in the XVII-XIX centuries. (Novosibirsk, 2004) explores the history of appearance, construction, maintenance, and the legal status of the land tract Siberia of the XVII-XIX centuries, its exploitation of the population employed residents: chase coachman, and horse-drawn passenger carting, agriculture and fisheries associated with taxi driver; escorting exiles, social processes taking place in the zone of influence tract; tradition in the organization of the Yamskoy Chase and elements of everyday life of the population (clothing, housing and food).

The book by A.I. Dmitriev-Mamonov Printing start in Siberia (SPb., 1900) is dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the birth of Johannes Gutenberg – the German goldsmith and inventor who created the European way of movable type printing, spread around the world. The book tells the story of the development of the printing industry in Siberia since the adoption of the decree of Catherine II on January 15, 1783 "On the permission to all the cities and capitals start printing and publishing books on Russian and foreign languages…" and the opening of the first printing press in 1789 by Tobolsk merchant of the I guild Basil Kornilyev.

The monograph of K. E. Zvereva How Siberia learned to read: school, literacy and book in Russian village of late XIX - early XX century (Novosibirsk, 2013) is characterized by the condition and historical dynamics of literacy of the rural population of Siberia, the role of schools in the education and enlightenment of the Russian peasantry. The state of the book industry in the villages on the edge of the XIX-XX centuries - at the initial stage of modernization of the village community.

Monograph N. N. Rodigina "The Other Russia": the image of Siberia in the Russian magazine press of the second half of XIX - early XX century (Novosibirsk, 2006) is devoted to the historical characteristics of multi-faceted image of Siberian regions represented in magazines period 1850s-1904, which were the main institution for the formation of public opinion and the reflection of the post-reform Russia. The structure and the content, the levels of existence, sources and stages of formation and development of collective representations of Siberia Russian intellectuals are disclosed, the dependence of the image of the region from the ideological orientation and sectoral specialization monthly publications.   

Far East

The publication of the Primorsky Regional Statistical Committee of localities with statistical data on each settlement, drawn up by official data: Maritime region (Vladivostok, 1915), including areas of peasant chiefs, forensic world areas Vladivostok district court, medical sites, settlements Iman county, postal paths, roads, etc.

The "Annual Report on the status and activities of the Khabarovsk railway technical school at the breech of the Ussuri railway" for 1895-1896 (Khabarovsk 1896), 1900-1901 (Khabarovsk 1902), 1901-1902 (Khabarovsk, 1903), 1902-1903 (Khabarovsk, 1904), 1915-1916 (Khabarovsk, 1916), the study provides information about the teachers (changes in personnel in the reporting year, the distribution of training hours between teachers, between teachers and the distribution of training employees not covered by the normal distribution and the established regulations) and students ( distribution of students, the school's property and information on the costs and parishes, the data on the teaching, the passage of installed programs, and information about the success of students; educational portion of the sanitary, etc.).

The report the Company's welfare to needy students of educational institutions of the Ministry of Public Education of Khabarovsk for the 1901/2 year (Khabarovsk, 1902) provides information concerning the provision of financial aid to students on donations and membership fees. It contains a list of the members and the board and the audit committee of the Company for 1901-1902. 

The publication of A. S. Skrobotov What and how lives the city of Khabarovsk (Khabarovsk, 1912) describes the financial position of the city by the beginning of the XX century.

Library Catalog of the Staff of the Amur Military District (Khabarovsk, 1911) presented Russian and foreign publications on military history and military history, tactics and strategy, military geography, aeronautics, and various reference books, military-periodic materials, atlases, drawings, maps, plans, albums, tables and portraits.

Library Catalog Society for the Study of the Amur region (Vladivostok, 1898) contains descriptions of books on religion, law, politics, economy, trade and industry, meteorology and hydrography, agriculture, medicine, mathematics, physics and chemistry, science, zoology, botany, mineralogy, geology and paleontology, history, archeology, anthropology, linguistics, geography and travel, and others.

The Catalogue of exhibits of church-school exhibition of the Priamursky region 1913 in the city of Khabarovsk in commemoration of the 300th anniversary of the reign of the Romanov dynasty (Khabarovsk, 1913) presents the work of schools of Vladivostok and Blagoveshchensk dioceses dedicated academic case, needlework and crafts in schools.

The preparation of new materials is continued.