Territory of Russia: The exhibition “Photo journey: Culture of Pomorye – link of times” in Moscow

1 April 2015

April 1, 2015 in the National Museum of the Decorative-Applied and Folk Arts (Moscow) is opened the exhibition “Photo journey: Culture of Pomorye – link of times”, which is based on materials of youth research expeditions, held in July 2014. The exhibition is held as part of the implementation of long-term museum program “Heritage of Russia: Traditions for the Future”. The project is aimed at promoting cultural heritage of Russia and the search of new forms of museum interaction and society, where the museum is the communication platform. 

The exhibition features photographs, made by teachers and students of high school of the V. I. Vernadsky Lyceum 1553as part of the author’s program “Complex research of history and culture of Russian villages”. The materials reflect different aspects of life of modern Pomorian village. These photographs are natural and cultural landscape of the Kola Peninsula, the Varzuga river, the village Kuzomen and the main heroes – are his residents.

On the goals – is to unite people from different social environment and different generations on the basis of cultural and historical values of our country.