Exhibitions: Unique materials telling of the work and life of F. I. Chaliapin are represented in Ufa

1 April 2015

April 1, 2105 at the National Museum of the Republic of Bashkortostan (Ufa) took pace the solemn opening of the exhibition “F. I. Chaliapin. From Stolnik to Don Quixote”, prepared by the M. I. Glinka National Museum Association of Musical Culture (Moscow).

Before the visitors was featured an extensive gallery of the brightest types and characters created by Chaliapin of stages of Russian and foreign theaters from the singer's debut in Ufa in 1890 to the last role of Don Quixote, prepared by the artist in 1910 for the Bolshoi Theatre.

The personality and creative destiny of Chaliapin at the exhibition “tell” more than 150 exhibits: set and costume designs for productions; theatres costumes, in which F. I. Chaliapin performed; photos of the singer in the actors' costumes; posters and programs of performances; lifetime sheet of music operas by Russian and foreign composers; memorabilia artist.

The exhibition will run until June 21, 2015.