2015 is a Year of Literature in Russia: "Karelian-Norwegian Literary Avenue" international project is launched in Karelia
"Karelian-Norwegian Literary Avenue" international project has started on May 27, 2015, at the National Library of the Republic of Karelia (Petrozavodsk) in the Year of Literature in Russia.
In this unusual "avenue" will "meet" Norwegian and Karelian writers and poets as classic, as modern, well-known figures of the literature of the two countries, including young talents.
The readers will also "take a walk" to express their opinions and interact with the writers on creative meetings, recite favorite poems and prose, as well as participate in the literary creative competition and watch movies on the literary basis.
The artists, both young and older, "in the open air" will draw a pictures based on the books and works of Karelian and Norwegian authors and will present them at the final exhibition.
Of course, "on the avenue" will be exhibitions of books including contemporary authors that can be read.
Unusual theatrical tours based on the works of Karelian and Norwegian authors expect the participants to "Karelian-Norwegian Literary Avenue."