Museums of the World: Exhibits from the Novgorod Museum Reserve will be on display in the European Museum of the Hansa

26 May 2015

25 exhibits from the collections of the Novgorod Museum Reserve will be on display at the European Museum of the Hansa, which will be opened May 27, 2015 in Lübeck (Germany, Schleswig-Holstein).

The exhibition will being together archeology items associated with trade and cultural contacts: scales, weights, tissue fragments, ingots of non-ferrous metals, a trading seal, a countable tag, a birch-bark scroll in Latin dating back to 1380-1400, a stylus, etc.

The decision to provide items for the temporary exposure (for six months) at the new museum was made by the Ministry of Culture of Russia, after receiving a request from the creators of the museum.

European Museum of the Hanseatic League in Lübeck will be devoted to the history and development of the Hanseatic League in the medieval period. Novgorod has always been one of the main trading partners of the Hanseatic League. There Hanseatic merchants bought goods known throughout medieval Europe. In the end of the 12th century, in Novgorod there was established a German yard with the church of St. Peter, which later became the basis of the Hanseatic office, one of the most important offices of the Hanseatic League. For this reason, the Novgorod Museum collection is of particular importance for the European Museum of the Hansa.