Russian culture abroad: first in Spain Russian Comunity Center was opened in the University of Granada

25 May 2015

On May 22, 2015, the Russkiy Mir Foundation has opened the first in Spain Russian Communiyt Center in the Granada University.

Chairman of the board of trustees of the Russkiy Mir Foundation Lyudmila Verbitskaya noted that a new center is the first Russian Center in Spain, which, in addition, opens in one of the oldest universities in the Kingdom, founded back in 1531, and at the same time - one of the largest in Spain.

Russian Ambassador Yuri Korchagin reminded the audience that the opening of the Russian Center in Granada is not accidental, and it coincides with several important cultural events. First of all, Russian studies at the University of Granada has a long tradition - the Russian language forms a part of the university curriculum for more than 50 years, moreover, the XIII Congress of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature will be held soon at the University.

Finally, the opening of the Russkiy Mir Foundation’s community center takes place in the Year of the Russian language in Spain. Yuri Korchagin said that the Russian embassy is actively involved in popularization of Russian language. One such initiative is an annual the Embassy’s award for the best translation of Russian literature into Spanish.

Rector of the University of Granada, Mr. Francisco González stressed the importance of relations with Russia and Russian culture and for him personally and for the Granada University. Since they taught Russian language at the university for more than half a century, soon in the park next to the University, in the heart of Granada, will be erected a monument to Alexander Pushkin.