Russian culture abroad: Exhibition timed to the 80th anniversary of the Russian cultural-historical museum in Prague opened in the Tretyakov Gallery

23 May 2015

The exhibition "Preserving for Russia" timed to the 80th anniversary of Russian cultural-historical museum in Prague, was opened in the State Tretyakov Gallery in Moscow.

"In the early last century, Prague was one of the major cultural, educational and historical centers of the Russian diaspora. It is no coincidence that in the thirties there was established a Russian cultural-historical museum. Despite the fact that it had not lasted a decade, during that time the unique collection was built including documents, works of art, books, scientific materials. Today, after eight decades, the exhibits of the museum are exhibited once again, thereby preserving the traditions and honoring the memory of the great events of the time of Russian diaspora in Prague," said Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Elena Milovzorova at the opening ceremony.

The most valuable part of the collection of the Russian cultural-historical museum in Prague was considered the art collection, which included 400 paintings by 100 Russian masters. Among them there are: the views of Tibet by Nicholas Roerich, a still life "Flower and grapes" by Natalia Goncharova, graphic works by Boris Grigoriev. In the late 40-ies a part of the collection was transferred to the Soviet Union - in the Tretyakov Gallery and the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art.

The Russian cultural-historical museum in Prague was created 80 years ago. In honor of this date, at the Tretyakov Gallery they reunited the collection of the museum and put it on display. The exhibits were also provided by the Russian State Archive of Literature and Art, A. A. Bakhrushin Theatre Museum, A. S. Pushkin State Museum and Leo Tolstoy State Museum.

The exhibition will run until August 2, 2015.