Memory of Russia: The exhibition of monument projects to the legendary director of the Museum-Reserve “Pavlovsk” Anna Zelenova opened

21 May 2015
Source: BaltInfo

At the center of culture, cinema and leisure "Pavlovsk" from 18 to 31 May 2015 is held an exhibition of projects of the monument to Anna Zelenova, the legendary director of the State Museum-Reserve "Pavlovsk".

Anna Ivanovna Zelenova headed the State Museum-Reserve "Pavlovsk» from 1941 to 1979. It was she who rescued artistic values during the Great Patriotic War. After the war, under her leadership the palace and the park were restored. Developed by Zelenova recovery technique was adopted to review other museums and was the most widely used as a reference.

On the initiative of the "Society of Pavlovsk lovers" in 2007 in Pavlovsk were set the foundation stone of the future monument to Anna Zelenova. After that, a design competition was held, in which in 2009 the jury determined the winner. But the monument was never installed.

The movement "Beautiful Pavlovsk" decided to organize a public exhibition of both existing and new projects of the monument to Anna Zelenova and hold an opinion poll of citizens. It is on the basis of the opinions of citizens will be selected a project that will be implemented in the future.