President of Russia: Vladimir Putin noted the role of Russian language in the life of the society

20 May 2015

May 19, 2015 the President of Russia Vladimir Putin held a joint session of the Council for Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Council of the Russian language.

At the meeting the head of state said that the unity of Russia depended on the knowledge of the Russian language by all citizens of our country.

Vladimir Putin said that Russian language teaching in schools should be conducted at the highest level. For this purpose can be released core subjects in a separate area within the general education system. The President expressed confidence that carried out in the framework of the Year of Literature events will help to increase interest in reading among schoolchildren, as well as "part of the system will work to improve the overall level of language culture". 

Head of State also warned against excessive borrowing in the Russian language. Vladimir Putin drew attention to the fact that modern language environment was now largely form the electronic and print media, television and the Internet. "And there is very clearly manifest violation of the rules of language, illiteracy and clearly unnecessary and unfounded borrowing from foreign languages", - he added.

But at the same time, according to Vladimir Putin, it is necessary to avoid isolation from the world processes. "We need a balanced well-balanced approach to preserving the historical identity and the inclusion of contemporary international information space", - said the Russian leader.