Russian regions: The Historical and Documentary exhibition “Staraya Russa – City of Military Glory”

20 May 2015

The archival department of the administration of the Staraya Russa municipal district opened a historical and documentary exhibition "Staraya Russa - a city of military glory: in the years of war and peace. 1941-1995 years".

Archival documents are presented in three sections: "Staraya Russa region in 1941-1945", "The post-war revival of Staraya Russa district 1944-1959 years", "The participants of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Patriotic education".

The exhibition presents the documents of the State Archive of Contemporary History of Novgorod Region, the Archives Department of the Administration of the municipal district of Staraya Russa, from the personal fund of the Great Patriotic War Sergei Emmanuilovich Lebedev, as well as documents from the personal archive of Natalia Borisovna Basmanova.

The exhibition will run until the end of September 2015.