President of Russia: Vladimir Putin to hold a joint meeting of the Council for Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Council for the Russian language

19 May 2015

May 19, 2015 President of Russia Vladimir Putin will hold a joint meeting of the Council for Inter-Ethnic Relations and the Council for the Russian language.

The participants will discuss the role of the Russian language and the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia in strengthening statehood, as well as improvement measures for the preservation and development of national languages.

Conservation and development issues of languages, as well as the formation and implementation of the language policy is crucial for the harmonization of interethnic relations in the country, for its cultural development, problem solving education, education, education, strengthening the unity of the multinational Russian people.

The task of supporting the Russian language as the state language and languages of Russian peoples stems directly from the Strategy of the state national policy, approved by the Head of State in December 2012.