Memorable dates of Russia: The exhibition, dedicated to the 155th birth anniversary of I. I. Levitan, in the Kostroma region

19 May 2015

May 19, 2015 in the Museum of I. I. Levitan (Plyos village, the Kostroma region) was opened an exhibition dedicated to the 155th anniversary of the birth of Isaac Levitan.

The exhibition presents personal belongings of the landscape author, received to the museum from his former apartment in the house of S. T. Morozov in Moscow, where the artist lived 125 years ago, on the eve of his last trip to Plyos, where he lived until his death.

The main exhibit is a true easel of Levitan, together with the surrounding furnishings: recently restored card-table and a sofa, shelves, chairs, and a guitar, chess, books, a stereoscope and a photo album from the collection of Lebedevs, descendants of Plyos friend of Levitan, merchant and a hunter Ivan Fedorovich Fomichev.

On the walls, as once in the artist's studio, next to the works of Levitan are housed paintings and sketches of his friends: S. A. Vinogradov, A. S. Stepanov, V. V. Pereplyotchikov, S. P. Kuvshynnykov, his teacher and friend V. D. Polenov and a nephew of R. P. Birchansky.

For the first time the visitors are presented a unique picture of I. I. Levitan, donated to the museum by well-known art critic Vladimir Alexandrovich Petrov, as well as portraits of his contemporaries, who often visited the artist in his "Morozov" workshop.