History and culture: The museum exposition, dedicated to the 170th anniversary of the Russian Geographical Society, opened in the Altai region
May 15, 2015 in the Altai Regional Museum (Barnaul) took place the opening of the exhibition “Known and unknown Altai. Researchers of Altai of the XVIII – XX century”.
The materials of the exhibition reflect the history of the Russian Geographical Society, which main task was to collect and disseminate reliable geographical information, the organization of forwarding activities of members of society with the participation of Russian and Western scientists and researchers. These expeditions have played a major role in the development of Siberia and the Far East, Middle and Central Asia, the world's oceans, the development of navigation, the discovery and study of new lands, the development of meteorology and climatology.
Museum collections presented at the exhibition show the multifaceted activity as researchers of Altai branch of the West Siberian department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society (1819-1919) and modern scientists-researches and local historians.
Through the museum collection the exhibition tells what discoveries, what works of researchers each century is marked.