To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The historical and documentary exhibition “Children of war Moscow”

18 May 2015

Young residents of the capital, who have survived all the hardships of war of 1941-1945, dedicated to the historical and documentary exhibition "Children of war Moscow", prepared by the Main Archive Department of the city of Moscow and the Central State Archive of the City of Moscow, which takes place from May 7 to August 30, 2015 in the Museum of Heroes in Moscow.

The exhibition presents documents of how during the war, the city took care of the children, and the children, to the best of their ability and capacity, tried to help the city, the front, the Motherland.

Archival materials telling about the life of boys and girls, on whose frail shoulders the burdens laid, tribulations and calamities of the war years. Among them - the documents on the work of the factories of guys, replaced their fathers, who went to the front; the involvement of children and adolescents in the construction of fortifications and in groups to protect themselves from the bombing; their duty in metropolitan hospitals and work in the school production workshops; assistance on preparation of agricultural products. The exhibition presents unique documents on pioneers in Moscow in October 1942, numerous photographs of the Timur commands.

Documentaries of the 1940s give an idea of the organization of educational process in the school during the war.

The most emotional part of the exhibition is the letters and memoirs of children of war Moscow.