Society and Church: "Patriarch. Service of God, the Church and People" photo exhibition, dedicated to the chronicle of the ministry of Patriarch Kirill, in Ulyanovsk

17 May 2015

The opening of "Patriarch. Service of God, the Church and People" photo exhibition, dedicated to the chronicle of the ministry of Patriarch Kirill, has taken place in Ulyanovsk, at the Governor’s Palace of Culture, on May 14, 2015.

According to the organizers, the aim of this exhibition is to introduce to the Ulyanovsk Region’s residents with the art of Church photography and the activity of the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, which six years enthronement anniversary celebrates this year. Overall, the exhibition features more than 160 photographs, gathered in thematic sections: "The Dispensation of Church Life", "The Church of Holy Russia", "The Unity of Faith", "Dialogue with the Public", "The Testimony of Orthodoxy." These photos were taken by photographers of the press service of the Patriarch in different places of service of His Holiness.

The first "Patriarch. Service of God, the Church and people" exhibition was introduced a year ago in the framework of celebrations, dedicated to the fifth anniversary of the enthronement of the Patriarch, at the Museum of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow. Then it was exhibited in several cities of Chelyabinsk metropole and Ekaterinburg archdiocese, and also in Krasnoyarsk.

The exposition will run until June 14.