To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition in the Department of Manuscripts of the National Library of Russia opened

15 May 2015

The Manuscript Department of the National Library of Russia (St. Petersburg) hosts an exhibition dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition shows unique documents telling about the contribution of scientific and creative intelligentsia in the approach of the Victory. Intellectuals played an important role in the reconstruction of consciousness and psychology of people.

The exhibition consists of several thematic sections, each of which is dedicated to the representatives of various professional groups - scientists, doctors, writers, artists, actors, musicians, specialists of museums and libraries.

The exhibition presents a collection of graphics of Leningrad artists of the period of the blockade.

The main focus of the exhibition is made on the documents directly related to the May 9, 1945. Here are presented the observance of the Day poetic and journalistic works.

One of the sections is dedicated to the memorials of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, and first of all the unrealized projects of Leningrad artists of 1941-1947. 

The exhibition also reflects additions to the department of manuscripts, including several officers of the Red Army's diaries of the last period of the World War II, as well as new material from the V. P. Nekrasov on the history of the story “In the Trenches of Stalingrad” and photographs of 1950s made in the field of fighting of the Battle of Stalingrad.