Electronic resources: Tambov Regional Scientific Library updated the "Memory Book" and "They Came Back in Triumph" electronic publications
In the year of the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory the regional administration and the regional department of culture and archives supported the numerous requests of the residents and public organizations of the Tambov Region on essential need for editing and amending the "Memory Book" and "They Came Back in Triumph".
Ten volumes "Memory Book" about the soldiers, who were called-up in the Tambov region and did not came back from the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, and fourteen volumes edition "They Came Back in Triumph" dedicated to the soldiers who returned from the fronts of the Great Patriotic War and arrived in the Tambov Region for the permanent residence, have been digitized by Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library named after Pushkin as far back as in 2010 and published on the library’s website.
The "Memory Book" and "They Came Back in Triumph" electronic editions were replenished with electronic editions with additional and the refined information. This work has been done in collaboration with the military commissariat, veterans, public organizations of the region, and the residents, who have the necessary documents. Information about the soldiers - the locals of Tambov region, who were still missing, and whose remains were found in of research expeditions, was provided by the Altair Search Group.
Regional bibliography and information technology department’s staff of Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin together with students of journalism and book publishing faculties of Tambov State University named after G. R. Derzhavin did a great job on content organization and the building of an electronic resource.
The added volume of the "Memory Book" contains 1766 names, and the "Came Back in Triumph" - the names of 3852. Electronic versions of these publications are available on the "Electronic Library of the Tambov Region" website.