The State Russian Museum: exhibition project devoted to archaeological excavations in the Kolomenskoye State National Park and Museum

11 May 2015

A new exhibition project entitled the "Mysterious World, My Ancient World" has opened in the exhibiting “podklet” - a basement - of the Palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich (Moscow State Integrated National Park and Museum). The exhibition will run until July 20, 2015.

The show is timed to the 80th anniversary of the archaeological site of K. Y. Vinogradov on Dyakov’s ancient settlement.

Visitors will see the objects belonging to three museum’s funds - the Archaeology, the White Stone and the photo-phono-video collection.

The first section of the exhibition is focused into the archaeological excavations that were carried out on the Dyakov’s site by the director of the Kolomenskoye Museum Konstantin Yakovlevich Vinogradov in 1935.

Djakov’s settlement is the archaeological monument, which gave the name to the Dyakov’s archaeological culture, is sited on the territory of Moscow State Integrated Museum, on the elevated right bank of the Moscow River. The collections of resulted from archaeological excavations items point on two waves of settling this place: in VIII-II centuries B. C. and in I century B. C. - VII century A. D.

The second section of the exhibition devoted to an architectural decoration of Moscow temples - white stone carving of the second half of the XVII century.

The collection of carved white stone began to take shape in the museum in the 1930s. This was owed to the destruction of a large number of churches, which was going according to plan the reconstruction of Moscow. Due to the efforts of the famous architect-restorer and the first museum director Peter Dmitrievich Baranovsky funds were stuffed with all that was possible to save from small bas-relief fragments to complex pieces such as frames or porch.

The exhibition presents the fragments of carved white stone decorations of famous, but unfortunately lost monuments of Moscow baroque: the Big Cross Сhurch of St. Nicholas on Ilyinka (1680-1689 years), The Church of Cosma and Damian in Sadovniki (1657), the Sukharev Tower (1692-1701 yers), and the Simonov Monastery (1677-1683 years).