History of Russia: “At Victory’s Headquarters. 1941-1945” historical-documentary exhibition in Moscow

9 May 2015

“At Victory’s Headquarters. 1941-1945” historical-documentary exhibition project, dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War, goes in New Manege in Moscow until the 16th of May 2015.

This large-scale project, which reveals a least evident side of the war: who is behind fateful decisions for the country, where and how a history was managed?

This is not the reconstruction of the battlefields, but the offices’ interiors of the war leaders of the country, where were taking place not less important battles for correct strategic decisions. The exhibition shows the archival documents, works of art and authentic items of a bygone era, conveying an atmosphere of the Supreme Headquarters or an ambiance of the partisan movement and creating an objective portrait of the people, who had taken on their shoulders charge for the fate of entire country.

“At Victory’s Headquarters. 1941-1945” exhibition is a narrative about life and defense of the USSR in wartime through the prism of the functioning of higher authorities.

The exhibition includes more than 600 archival documents and photographs and 150 exhibits.