History and culture: The exhibition of poetry and poets of the Great Patriotic War in Moscow

7 May 2015

May 7, 2015 at the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow) is opened the exhibition "Long smell gunpowder words…" dedicated to poetry and poets of the Great Patriotic War.

The exhibition presents unique archival materials: letters, diaries, lifetime editions of literary works to personal autographs of famous writers and poets, visited the front.

Visitors will be able to see famous poetic lines written by the hand of their authors: excerpt from a poem by Konstantin Simonov's "Wait for me", dated June 5, 1942, a poem by Alexander Tvardovsky "Vasily Terkin", poems and diary by Olga Bergholz. Among the exhibits - a shell pierced the poem "Waiting" of the front bag of the young poet Vsevolod Bagritsky, who died in February 1942.

Most of the archive material is on display for the first time.

After the opening the exposition space will be a venue for poetry readings, literary, musical and theatrical evenings. Among the events - a theatrical reconstruction of the legendary performance of the Taganka Theater, "Fallen and the Living"; evening dedicated to David Samoilov, Vassily Grossman, Olga Bergholz, Vladimir Vysotsky, and the birth centenary of Konstantin Simonov.