To the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory: The exhibition “We approached this day as we could” in Saratov

5 May 2015

To the 70th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War in the N. G. Chernyshevsky Museum-Estate (Saratov) is opened the exhibition "We approached this day as we could" - a partnership project with the Museum-Estate "Battle of Stalingrad" (Volgograd).

The exhibition is based on the materials of the two museums, telling about the unity of the front and rear, which determined the defeat of the enemy in the Battle of Stalingrad - a major turning events of the Second World War.  

Saratov – a rear front-line city - played a key role in provision of the Soviet troops, fought near Stalingrad. The city was one of the command centers of the war; it housed many military schools; here are based numerous hospitals where there were wounded from the battlefields. Industrial enterprises of Saratov fulfill military orders; Roads and railways ensure delivery of troops and equipment to the front. That is why Saratov was one of the most important goals of the German troops and subjected to numerous bombings.   

In a tense frontline town’s rhythm the cultural life did not slow down. The Museum of Chernyshevsky took an active part in this work. It was the only museum exhibition which was opened for visitors. A few specialists of the museum, which joined the teachers evacuated from Leningrad University, lectured in hospitals, conducted tours for students, spoke in schools, conducted research work, kept the precious exhibits, gifts sent to the front.

Documents, photographs and personal belongings, items of military life firsthand help to present realities heroic union front and rear.

The exhibition runs until September 30, 2015.