To the Day of Spring and Labor: The festival “Moscow spring” is held in the capital

1 May 2015

From 1 to 11 May 2015 in Moscow is held the Festival "Moscow spring" that will unite the celebration of the Day of Spring and Labor Day and Victory Day. In addition, the festival will show the atmosphere of several epochs of Russian history - from the 20s of the XX century to the present day. Six periods of the major milestones of the past of our country will be placed at several makeshift sites.

The main theme of the festival will be the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War - is devoted to this date most of the activities. In many urban areas will be held parades and concerts. May 3 will mark the Day of Partisan Glory with a special program in honor of this date.

May 2-3 in Moscow in the park "Kolomenskoye" will also be held the reenactment tournament of St. George.

An extensive program of free events is planned for May 9. In Moscow, it will be installed big screens that the audience could see a solemn parade live on the streets and squares. On the square in front of the Bolshoi Theatre will be organized concerts, and in the Pushkin square in the open-air will be demonstrated films, dedicated to war.