The Presidential Library: New acquisitions

26 June 2015

The Presidential Library collection Irkutsk region: the pages of history has been enriched with the materials of the Russian State Historical Archives, the State Public Historical Library, the Russian Geographical Society, the Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps, of the Russian Defense Ministry, the Children's Museum of a Postcard, radio station Nashe Radio.

New acquisitions include studies, sketches, archival documents, visual materials that introduce administrative, socio-economic and socio-political development of the Irkutsk region in the XVII - the first third of the XX century.   

The most valuable information about the history of Irkutsk is contained in the chronicles of P. I. Pezhemsky and V. A. Krotov, published in the Proceedings of the East Siberian department of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Issue 1. Irkutsk chronicle (Irkutsk, 1911). Pezhemskiy, based on handwritten local chronicles, stories of old, proven published sources, has compiled the chronicle of the city of Irkutsk, since the city's founding in 1652 and ending in 1845. Chronicle contains some interesting data regarding the history of the local administration of the province, administrators, and other characteristics. As an epigraph to each chapter contains verses from the "Lay" poetry Derzhavin, quotations from the works of Siberian historians and publicists. Krotov recorded in the annals of the event since the founding of winter quarters in 1652 to 1856. Value of Krotov’s chronicle lies not only in the fact that here are the most important events in the history of the city for 200 years of its existence, but also in applications which the author concludes his research. This information "On the construction of the Holy Church in Irkutsk", a small article about the beginning of the town, which compensates for the lost contents of the first sheet, and briefly describes the development of the city in the first century, the article "Education official place of Irkutsk", notes: "The bishops of the Diocese of Irkutsk", "Builders and abbots" [Rulers of Irkutsk].   

The second edition of the Irkutsk Chronicle (Irkutsk, 1914) contains the work of the historian, bibliographer and bibliophile, memoirist N. Romanov. In the "Irkutsk chronicle" Romanov were reflected all the aspects of the life of the city from 1857 to 1940. This release contains information about the events from 1857 to 1880.

The Description of the Irkutsk province (Pg., 1916) describes its geographical location, climate, flora and fauna, administrative structure, population and its traditional occupations (farming, ranching, timber harvesting, hunting, fishing); there is a description of resettlement sites of Irkutsk province.

In the work of the well-known geologist and researcher of Eastern Siberia A. L. Czekanowsky Geological research in the Irkutsk region (V. 11) (Irkutsk, 1874) is provided an index of sources, including information on geognosy, geology, mineralogy, orography and hydrography of Irkutsk province; an extract from the journal of Yakovlev 1810; review of information on the geology of the Irkutsk province, in the period from Herman to Meglitsky (on the most important issues of the geology of the Irkutsk province); General report on the geological study of the author in the Irkutsk region from 1869 to 1872; description of rocks and Primorsky Onot ridges their location and time of occurrence; observations made by the author, on the way from the lake to Mount Munch-Sardyk and notes with Sayan; geognostic map of the area of ​​Irkutsk, Verkholensk Balagansk districts.

The composition of a well-known Oswald Heer, published in the Proceedings of the Siberian expedition of the Imperial Russian Geographical Society. Physics Department. V. 2. Issue 2. Geological Unit: Jurassic flora of the Irkutsk province and the Amur region, is compiled from the collections of plants collected by F. B. Schmidt and A. L. Chekanovsky. Description of Heer laid the foundation of studying the Jurassic flora of Asia.

The history, culture and ethnography of Irkutsk is told through awareness and educational cycle - "Our geography", coming out on the radio station "Nashe Radio". Drive transmission: Mikhail Kozhukhov.

Description of the ancient cities in the Trans-Baikal region, "drawn up in response to the question what are the settlement in Irkutsk province are" 1820 10 p. The document provides information on the Trans-Baikal historical monuments.

The case of a glass factory in the Irkutsk government factories. 1811. 11 p. The document presents proposals for the development of production.

Sights of the city of Irkutsk, as well as the city's building are depicted on the plans and postcards of different periods:

Plan and façade of the Irkutsk Gostiny Dvor. 1780 2 p.;

Transition Plan p. Sheds of iron bridge for vehicle-driving in the mountains. Irkutsk. 1906 2 p.;

Embankment and transportation across the river. Angara [postcard] [between 1900 and 1904];

Triumphal Arch built on the banks of the Angara River in 1811 [postcard] [between 1900 and 1904];

In addition, the figure by Y. V. Kulpovich about the heroism of Lieutenant of the 93rd Infantry Regiment of the Irkutsk K. A. Konnov during the First World War is represented.

The preparation of new materials is continued.