World culture: The exhibition “Western Art of the XVI-XIX century from the private collection” in Saratov

26 June 2015

June 26, 2015 the A. N. Radishchev Saratov State Art Museum hosts the exhibition “Western Art of the XVI – XIX century from the private collection. Saratov”.

The exhibition of European art from the private Saratov collection, works of which were purchase on international auctions, introduces to the world of modern art market.

The exhibition presents works of almost all the leading European schools - Italian, French, Flemish, Dutch, Austrian, German, from the XVI to the end of the XIX century. Preference is given to schools in the south, primarily Italian art.

The exposition is not only beautiful images of Italian Madonnas, mythological and religious subjects, but also entertaining street scenes of the late XIX century, executed in the impressionist style. There is the interest of the collector to the image of horse fights, especially popular in Europe after the Napoleonic Wars.

From the Nordic school of painting the most fully is represented the British. This is particularly valuable, as the masters of England - a rarity for local assembly.

XVII century - the "golden age" of Flemish painting. Among the exhibits - the work of members of the famous artistic dynasty Antwerp - Hendrik van Balen (about 1575-1632) and his son Jan van Balen (1611-1654). Both paintings, which are the subject of mythological and Gospels, are written on copper plates of considerable size.

A significant part of the collection consists of works of the XIX century. A variety of styles, genres, subjects, in general, they give an idea of ​​the complexity, contradictions and ambiguities that time. Second Rococo and realism, impressionism and salon art - works of these areas have found their place in the exhibition.

The authenticity of the paintings of this collection is confirmed by European experts. Before the exhibition it was able to clarify the attribution of a number of works. Due to the high artistic level of the collection, this exhibition is a real gift for fans of classical art.