Museums of Russia: The opening of the I. S. Nikitin Memorial House held after restoration in Voronezh

22 June 2015

After completion of the repair and restoration work in Voronezh was opened the I. S. Nikitin Memorial Museum. In the halls of the museum is housed the exhibition "Ivan Savich Nikitin: "My spirit affinity with the spirit of the century".

The exposition of literary-memorial exhibition tells about the life of the poet and cultural figure of the city of Voronezh. Visitors are waiting for a fascinating story about the people who, together with Ivan Nikitin participated in the development of the cultural life of Voronezh of the XIX century.

This epoch is illustrated by original paintings of Voronezh artists. The guests of the exhibition are presented lifetime, as well as rare editions of I. S. Nikitin in different years, a collection of graphic works "Nikitin places in Voronezh" by artist F. P. Zvonarev, a collection of pre-war types of home and museum of I. S. Nikitin.