Museums and society: "The Museum as a Contemporary Educational Platform: Experience, Achievements and Prospects" seminar in Tomsk

18 June 2015

"The Museum as a Contemporary Educational Platform: Experience, Achievements and Prospects" seminar will be held on June 18, 2015, at the Centre of Museum Pedagogy of Tomsk Regional Art Museum, where museum staff will discuss topical issues of educational and outreach accomplishments of the museums, as well as the problems of museum pedagogy.

In the seminar agenda are the reports of the participants, an exchange of experience, the presentations of museum and educational programs, as well as a round table on topical issues of interaction between museums and the education system.

The following topics will be reviewed during the discussions:

— Contemporary Museum and education: a partnership in solving general challenges; effective forms, models and principles of cooperation;

— The museum as a current educational platform;

— The formation of the educational environment in the museum;

— The museum and educational programs — the basis of productive collaboration of the museum and the education system;

— Experience of creation, methodological and psycho-pedagogical care of the museum and educational programs;

— Monitoring, performance evaluation;

— Interactive forms of work with visitors;

— A family at the Museum: an experience with a family audience;

— Art Therapy in the museum, and other topics.