Society and culture: “Valentin Serov: among friends and students” exhibition in Nizhny Novgorod

17 June 2015

The Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Art features the exhibition, "Valentin Serov: among friends and students. On the 150th anniversary of the artist. "

Valentin Serov (1865-1911) - a key figure in the Russian art of the late 19th – 20th centuries. The exhibition timed to the anniversary of Serov, makes it possible to trace the career of the master taking as an example a collection of his works from the collections of the Nizhny Novgorod State Museum of Art.

This collection includes 16 paintings, original graphics and prints, starting from the earliest youth pictures of Serov, made at the age of fourteen or sixteen, to his last works, created shortly before the sudden death of the artist. It reflects the breadth of his creative range, diversity of talent, which impressed his contemporaries so much. Never before has the museum's collection of works by Serov been exhibited in full.

In addition to the master's legacy of artworks, the exhibition includes works made by friends and students of Serov, presenting him not only as a great artist, but also as a man of a soul of honor, "infinitely loyal friend" and a wonderful teacher. For the first time in the museum practice Serov works are exhibited in this context. In total, the exhibition displays about 40 paintings and drawings.