Internet and museums: Virtual exhibition “Homeland of the righteous John of Kronstadt” on the website of the Museum Association “Art culture of the Russian North”

15 June 2015

The website of the State Museum Association "Art Culture of the Russian North» under the "Virtual Museum" is featuring a new virtual exhibition "Homeland of righteous John of Kronstadt."

The exhibition is timed to the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the canonization of St. John of Kronstadt. It features rare photos of the village Sura stored in the archive of the State Museum Association "Art Culture of the Russian North."

You can also browse a rare edition of "Village Sura, Arkhangelsk Province, Pinezhsky District. Homeland Father of Father John, archpriest of Kronstadt of St. Andrew's Cathedral. His stay in the village of Sura from 3rd to 4th July 1891 and the consecration of a new church. Kronstadt. Publication of photographer P.P. Schaumann, 1891."

 The publication is held by the scientific library of the Museum Association "Art Culture of the Russian North."

Creation of virtual exhibitions allows us to make available to the general public the artifacts that are in the stock and are not exhibited, said the Minister of Culture of the Arkhangelsk region Veronica Yanichek.