Society and culture: The international exhibition «Costume at the Turn of the Century. 1990–2015» in Moscow

15 June 2015

The A. A. Bakhrushin Theatre Museum (Moscow) June 15, 2015 presents The international exhibition «Costume at the Turn of the Century. 1990–2015».

200 participants from 31 countries will present their works:

— 1200 significant works that showcase the world innovative tendencies in the costume design;

— the costumes for a drama theatre, a opera, a ballet, a modern dance and fashionable performances;

— full-scale photos, video projection, online catalogue and other modern forms of the exhibition presentation of the material;

The project is unique by the number of the participating countries in the format of one art exhibition, by the coverage and the diversity of the art styles and technologies of the production of the modern theatrical costume.