Memory of Russia: "The Day of Russian Glory" Festival of Tsarskoye Selo in Pushkin

14 June 2015

"The Day of Russian glory" Tsarskoye Selo local Festival will be held on June 14, 2015, in the town of Pushkin.

There was a training field 100 years ago in front of the Sofia Cathedral, where in 1911 the first airplane flight was shown to the royal family. In memory of this event the Kolpino based AC Model Aircraft Club will show 3D-acrobatics on the remotely piloted helicopter, aerobatic maneuvers, the historic air battle of the Great Patriotic War, and with the help of multicopter guests will look at the holiday with bird's-eye view.

In the festival agenda is a small reconstruction of the events and battles from the history of Russia. Visitors will be able to try on a chain mail of warrior soldier.

These social events will be preceded by a memorial prayer services in St. Sophia Cathedral and the monument to Alexander Nevsky. Then the main cultural, sports and entertainment program will start. Live music gala concert will be going on two festival stages all day long.