Government and society: Winners of 2014 Russian Federation National Awards

11 June 2015

Winners of the 2014 Russian Federation National Awards for outstanding achievements in science and technology, literature and the arts, and humanitarian work had been announced.

Presidential Assistant Andrei Fursenko and member of the Presidential Council at the Kremlin for Culture and the Arts Presidium and Presidential Adviser Vladimir Tolstoy announced the winners at a special briefing.

For his contribution into development of domestic and world cinematography the Russian Federation National Award in culture and the arts is conferred to film director Alexander Sokurov.

At the time the Presidential Library served as a site of retrospectives of Alexander Sokurov’s early works.

Screenings of the movies was going within the framework of the "Cinema Club of the Presidential Library" project supported by Lendok and Lennauchfilm movie studios, movies were also broadcast online at the official website of the Presidential Library. Alexander Sokurov presented his “Evening Sacrifice” movie at the Presidential Library in person. As the famous director highlighted, that "to bring back the former massive interest in movies we need, at first, to raise the movies’ quality. And at the same time, to revive Russia's national system of film distribution."

The Russian Federation National Award in culture and the arts is conferred to:

Tamara Melnikova, director of the State Federal Budget Institution, the Tarkhany State National Park and Museum of Lermontov, for the comprehensive restoration of the Tarkhany State National Park and Museum, for revival of the estate traditions and popularization of Mikhail Lermontov’s creative legacy;

Chulpan Khamatova, movie and theatre actress, for her contribution into the development of national theatre and cinema arts.

The Russian Federation National Award in science and technology is conferred to:

cademician Yevgeny Kablov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of the National Research Institute of Aviation Materials (VIAM), for developing a new generation of high-temperature construction and functional materials and the development for the purposes of import replacement of high technology low-tonnage production of materials and technology for aviation, aerospace and special equipment;

Academician Gennady Krasnikov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, General Director of Mikron Plant and Research Institute for Molecular Electronics (MERI), for developing semiconductor structures with controlled and stable electro physical parameters for modern microelectronic production;

Academician Valery Tishkov, member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Director of the Miklukho-Maklai Institute of Ethnology and Anthropology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, for his achievements in ethnology and social and cultural anthropology, the development of the ethnic monitoring method and ethno-political conflict prevention and resolution method.

The Russian Federation National Award for outstanding achievements in humanitarian work is conferred to composer Alexandra Pakhmutova.