Museums and Society: The "Intermuseum" International Museum Festival opens in Moscow

11 June 2015

The "Intermuseum" International Museum Festival is a huge event for all those who involved in museums, both professionals and visitors. This is one of the main cultural events in Russia, aimed at support and development of domestic museums. This year's festival takes place from the 11th to the 15th of June at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall (Moscow).

The festival’s framework consists of the main exhibition, which gathered hundreds of best museums, the business program for professionals, as well as children's and cultural programs for all types guests of the festival.

The special part of the festival is the "Tehnomuseum" exhibition, which introduces an audience with technological innovations of museum industry — modern screens, audio guides, and restoration equipment.

Vladimir Potanin Foundation will carry out the "Museum Guide" forum connecting the museum’s schedules with the local community. Foundation will present in its exposition the museums, which are created and developed with the participation of the local communities.

The theme of the Forum 2015 is "The Museum Development — the Territory Development" tie. Its main idea is to verify a role of museums in the formation of the surrounding territory and cultural space.

Among the events of the festival will be the ones that mark the main memorable dates and events of the country in 2015: the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War, the 175th anniversary of the birth of Tchaikovsky and the Year of Literature. The expositions at the Manage halls will tell viewers about the most unexpected exhibitions and projects focused at the significant dates.

More than 100 business events — lectures, workshops and round tables, dedicated to the main issues of the museum's activities — will be held for during the festival days at its 6 sites for the professionals of the museum industry.