Prime Minister of Russia: Innovative development of information technologies were reviewed at the meeting under the chairmanship of Dmitry Medvedev in Innopolis

10 June 2015

A meeting of the presidium of the Council on Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia at the President of Russian Federation was held on June 9, 2015, in Innopolis (Republic of Tatarstan).

The subjects of discussion at a meeting were the development and implementation of the National Technology Initiative and an innovative development of information technology. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev said that both these initiatives are important for Russia in the nearest future enter into the leaders in the new segments of the economy.

The Prime Minister said: "Obviously, that the value of information technology will only increase. This factor should be taken into account when choosing the priorities of our technology initiative... We are talking about a long-term strategy of innovative development of the country with a very significant, long-range planning 20 years horizon. The President already formulated this assignment addressing the Federal Assembly."

According to the Prime Minister in the next few years domestic software can increase its share both in the domestic and foreign markets. At the same time Dmitry Medvedev stressed that the issue of national development in IT field is a strategic and linked to national security.