Libraries and Society: The "Crimea-2015" XXII International Conference — "Libraries and information resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business" in Crimea
The "Crimea-2015" XXII International Conference — "Libraries and information resources in the modern world of science, culture, education and business" is taking place from 6 to 14 June 2015 in Sudak (Crimea Republic).
The "Crimea-2015" Conference is a world professional forum for the heads and staff employees of the libraries, publishers, booksellers and Bookselling organizations, museums, archives, information centers, universities, colleges, computer and Internet companies, the business, law, scientific and cultural fields, and education system.
The 2015 Year’s theme is "Book and Library: the habitat."
In the agenda of the conference are the sections, seminars, round tables and presentations on the following topics:
— Information Society, the world's information infrastructure. The projects of international cooperation.
— National Libraries and National Information Resources.
— Funds development and preservation. Cooperation between the libraries, the publishers and the book market.
— Digital libraries and online resources in contemporary library and information field.
— Automated and corporate library systems and technologies.
— Information support of education, research and management.
— Information and linguistic support of library and Information Systems. Bibliographic formats. Metadata. Standards and protocols for data exchange.
— Library staff, profession and education. The development of educational technologies in the information society.
— The development of library in the national languages.
— Regional and municipal public libraries, new technology.
— Library and Information services for the disabled.
— Libraries, museums and archives in the same space of information and culture.
— Ethics and security of electronic information.
— Ecological information and ecological culture.
— Legal and regulatory information. Official publication. Copyright and intellectual property.
— Modern problems and reading programs.
— Management of libraries, library and other professional associations.
— Library science and bibliography. Library Statistics.
— Medical information resources and systems. Hospital library. Bibliotherapy.
— Problems of reading and information literacy of children and youth.
— Library as a territory of the tolerance. Library and politics.
— Innovations in science, culture and education: the role of libraries.
In plans are the annual conferences of library and information and other professional associations.
The members of the Presidential Library attended the conference.