Russian language: "Strengthening of the Russian Cultural and Linguistic Space within the Boundaries of the Near Abroad" All-Russia Forum in the Pskov Region

5 June 2015

The All-Russian "Strengthening of the Russian Cultural and Linguistic Space within the Boundaries of the Near Abroad" Forum opens on June 5, 2015, within the XLIX All-Russian Pushkin Poetry Festival in Pushkin Mountains. The forum participants will arrive from Belarus, Latvia, Estonia, Moscow and St. Petersburg.

"Pushkin and the Victory" roundtable with the participation of poets and writers will take place at the scientific and cultural center of the Pushkin State National Park and Museum. On June 6 a poetic word will sound on a meadow of Mikhailovsky Village. In addition, according to tradition, an open area, where everyone who wishes will get a chance to read the poems of Pushkin or his own compositions will work on this day.