Internet and History: Tambov libraries present the Memory Albums Web project

3 June 2015

 Web project dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War is implementing in the Tambov Regional Universal Scientific Library named after A. S. Pushkin since the autumn of 2014. The authors of the project aimed to create a resource that apart the memorial function also carries an emotional constituent. Moreover, another objective was to combine the library and residents of the area around the theme of the war — the project encouraged new people to come to the library, making them partners in the filling up the resource with content.

Specialists of the regional library created the Memory Albums website. Its enriching goes with the efforts of experts of 27 libraries of Tambov Region: in Tambov Scanning Center is opened in Pushkin Regional Library, in other areas — in the central libraries of municipalities. Each institution has been independently deciding on participation in the project.

Anyone living in the area can come to the nearest working on the project library (the addresses and contacts of all libraries can be found on the website) and bring photos of 1930-1955 period from home archives. These images could be the portraits of family members, types of settlements, fragments of hostilities or work in the rear, as well as family, domestic scenes. Library staff promptly scanning photos and place them on a publicly accessible website. Most of the photographs contain an extended description of the life of captured people.

In addition to the photos library staff scan and upload on the website of the letters ("military triangles"), documents and postcards of those years. All these materials are obtained first public sounding.

The site is integrated with a search on all fields of uploaded information, including selection of photos inquiring particular location.

Schoolteachers in the area began to use in school curriculum the stories dedicated to the Great Patriotic War that were published online, showing pictures and life facts of the residents of the towns and villages where these schools are now working and children are living. Libraries have become centers of memory and dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Victory events.

Today on the Memory Albums website is already 5000 materials. Work on the project will continue — it is not limited with the events dedicated to the 70th anniversary of Victory.