World history and culture: The educational project “Argonauts of the Middle Ages” launched in Veliky Novgorod

28 July 2015

The traveling exhibition of the Novgorod Museum-Reserve "Argonauts of the Middle Ages" returned to Veliky Novgorod. From July 14 to September 28, 2015, it is located in the Novgorod Kremlin, in the heart of the Children's Museum of the Novgorod Museum.

"Argonauts of the Middle Ages" - educational project dedicated to the history of a Europe-wide end of the first millennium AD, capable, according to the organizers, to combine in one possible topic of museums of different cities. Its format allows combining illustrative material on posters with authentic artifacts from the Viking Age, supplementing their monuments from the museum collection - the project participants. Within two years of the exhibition it has already visited Staraya Ladoga, Smolensk, Pskov, Ustyuzhna and other cities of the North-West of Russia. 

The exhibition is aimed at a wide audience. In a simple and fascinating way it tells the story of the Vikings, who came from the territory of modern Denmark, Sweden and Norway, and had a significant influence on the development of European countries, including Ancient Rus’.

The map, which shows the area of ​​the original Viking settlement, the routes of their maritime military campaigns and trade routes, will assess the extent of their phenomenal expansion. Museum visitors will learn about the culture of the Vikings with a team, funeral rites and related religious beliefs.

The exhibition at the Children's Museum Center features more than 200 exhibits from the collections of the Novgorod Museum. These are subjects of the IX-XI centuries, found by archaeologists during excavations in Novgorod and Rurik settlement. The exhibition also presented a treasure of silver jewelry of the X - the first half of XI century of Ilmen Lake District (village Lyuboezhi), which was part of the international exhibition "The Vikings" (Copenhagen, London, Berlin, 2013-2014).