Internet and law: Amendments to the law on information, information technology and protection of information

16 July 2015

July 14, 2015 Vladimir Putin signed Federal Law “On Amendments to the Federal Law “On information, information technology and protection of information” and articles 29 and 402 of the Civil Procedure Codex of the Russian Federation”.

Federal Law is adopted by the State Duma on July 3, 2015 and is approved by the Federation Council on July 8, 2015.

Reference of the State-legal department.

Federal law provides that the operator of the search engine at the request of an individual (applicant) shall stop issuing information on the index pages on the Internet, allowing access to information about the applicant, distributed in violation of the laws of the Russian Federation, is misleading and irrelevant, has lost value for an individual by virtue of subsequent events or actions. The exception is the information about the events containing elements of a criminal offense, terms of criminal responsibility for which has not expired, and information about the individual committing the crime for which has not been removed or canceled a conviction.

Under Federal law, the search engine refers to the information system available on request by Internet search information, certain content and provides the user with information on index of pages on the Internet for access to the requested information is located on the sites of the Internet belonging to other persons. The exception is the information systems used for state and municipal functions, providing state and municipal services, as well as for other public authority established by federal laws.

Federal law establishes the procedure for sending the corresponding request the search engine operator, operator interaction with the applicant and to meet this requirement or refusal in its satisfaction.

The applicant shall have the right to appeal to the court to terminate the issue of references to the information specified in the request if he considers the denial of the search engine operator unfounded.