World history: Japanese archaeologists discovered the ship of Mongolian fleet of the XIII century

7 July 2015

Japanese archaeologists from the University of the Ryukyus (Okinawa Prefecture) and specialists of the education department of the city of Kyushu with Matsuura, announced the discovery of the ship on the sea floor of the XIII century, which was part of the fleet of the Mongols, who were trying to conquer Japan. This is the second time in the history of Japanese archeology, when it is possible to find a ship.

The wreckage of the ship was found 200 meters from the island of Takashima at a depth of 15 m. The dating of the finds was made possible by fragments of Chinese ceramics, found near the submerged wreckage. The dimensions of the ship were 20 meters long and 6 to 7 meters wide.

The Mongol invasion of Japan had taken the Mongolian-Chinese-Korean troops grandson of Genghis Khan - Kublai - twice, in 1274 and in 1281 respectively. Both invasions were ended in defeat for the attackers.