Museums: The State Historical Museum to hold restoration of collections

7 July 2015

The State Historical Museum plans to restore a number of exhibits. The initial view will find bindings of written sources - collections of manuscripts, early printed books, documentary monuments of Russian history of the XVI-XX centuries. In addition, the leather fragments of weapons and clothing samples will be restored. Collection of weapons in the Historical Museum consists of more than 16,000 items, including swords, pistols, shotguns of the XVII-XIX centuries, and funds of the Department of fabrics and costume history have about 400,000 items. 

The State Historical Museum has a department of scientific restoration, combining 75 specialists. To restore the exhibits were put professional restoration materials: more than 4.5 thousand Dm² calf, bovine and goat leather in different colors, as well as 40 square meters of calico - covered with colored film material on the basis of a cotton fabric.

The collection of the State Historical Museum reflects the history and culture of Russia from ancient times to the present day and is unique in size and content of the exhibits. The museum's collections, formed almost a half century, contain about 5 million museum objects and 14 million pages of documentary materials.