Society and culture: The ethnographic museum complex in Dargavs

3 July 2015

Not far from the famous monument of federal significance of the XIV-XVIII century of the Dargavs necropolis ("city of the dead"), located in the North Ossetia-Alania, in order to recreate the historical and cultural environment is being built an ethnographic museum complex.

Arriving in the valley, people do not just want to enjoy nature and see its vaults "Cities of the Dead", but also to learn how you Ossetians used to live. The complex consists of houses with traditional Ossetian interior, outbuildings and parking for visitors and sleepers. In the basement of the Ossetian traditional houses will be reconstructed barn, on the first floor will be housed three exhibition halls. They will present the culture and life of the Ossetian people in different eras - from the 18th to the early 20th century.  

The first stage is the construction of the building – almost completed.  In order complex to be a part of the picturesque panorama of the Dargavs canyon were used only natural materials – stones, wood, limestone. National elements are in everything, it is also built the ancient Ossetian oven. There will be held master-classes on cooking traditional cakes.

Currently specialists of the National Museum start forming the exposition using the materials from the collections of the museum and very counting on help from local residents who would be able to share materials to replenish the future exposition.

For the first visitors will be open the doors in autumn, but the work will not be over.