Archives: The meeting with Director of the German Literary Archive in Marbach Ulrich Raulff

3 July 2015

In Moscow on July 2 in the House museum of Alexander I. Herzen, Professor Ulrich Raulff, Director of the German Schiller Society and director of one of the most important literary archives in the world - the German Literary Archive in Marbach - spoke about the role in shaping the history of literature of archives and museums; what are the current trends in museum exhibiting materials related to writers and literary process, and that represent a modern museum practice in Germany.

Beginning in 2014, the German Literature Archive in Marbach is actively cooperating with the State Literary Museum: its representatives took part in the scientific program of the festival "Literary Seasons" organized by GLM and in September 2014 and in Marbach was opened a joint exhibition "Anton Chekhov. Journey to Sakhalin", where they were shown pictures from the personal archive of Chekhov, as well as objects and documents of the writer.

Meeting with Ulrich Raulff will continue a started professional dialogue about the museum and literature. Host of the evening will be the director of the State Literary Museum Dmitry Bak.