The Year of Literature in Russia-2015: Literary train, dedicated to Sergei Yesenin, is presented as part of the project “Poetry in the metro”
The S. A. Yesenin Moscow State Museum together with the Moscow metro represent a new exhibition in the framework of the project "Poetry in the metro".
August 27 from the metro station "Mezhdunarodnaya" the literary train went into the way devoted to Sergei Yesenin. The ceremony took place in the framework of events dedicated to the 120th anniversary of the birth of the poet, and the Year of Russian literature.
The metro cars in graphics and unique fragments of the Yesenin’s works present traveling exposition, revealing the life and career of the poet.
Yesenin train has become the seventh mobile literary exposition, organized by the Moscow metro. Previously, passengers are already able to meet with the creative legacy of Vladimir Mayakovski, Mikhail Lermontov, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and Octavio Paz, as well as a ride in a theme trains dedicated to Italian and Chilean poetry.