E-books: The International Forum “eBook Fairs” to be held in Moscow

25 August 2015

November 17-19, 2015 in Moscow will be held the specialized International forum «eBook Fairs», dedicated to e-books.

The plans of the organizing committee of "eBook Fairs" is to gather at a single site Russian and foreign software developers and digital reading devices, popular writers, distributors, literary agents, heads of the leading publishers of digital libraries, e-commerce e-books, representatives of law firms specializing in the protection of intellectual property on the Internet, and other market participants of e-books.

The exhibition will reflect various aspects of the creation of e-books as the content (the work of authors, publishers, designers and artists) and the devices (development of manufacturers of electronic devices for reading, software specialists, service and repair). There will also be well represented different types of e-books on fiction and children's books to e-books and manuals. Separately it is preparing a special exhibition data base. Also, participants will learn about the activities of digital libraries and online stores of electronic books, electronic media, to study international experience in the development and use of the latest technology of digital publishing.

The business program "eBook Fairs" is scheduled for thematic conferences, seminars, presentations of participating companies.